Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What to expect from this blog?

I feel that one of the reasons I've started a blog is to update family and friends with 'what's happening with us'. I also intended this to be like a historical journal of moments in life that I don't mind sharing with people who care to read. Hopefully 'Blogger' has all the necessary precautions to safeguard all the information that every blogger writes on their blog meaning back-ups. Fortunately, I also found a way to personally back-up my blog/website. To continue, it would be nice to look back and learn from what I've posted and experienced through the marvel of an online journal somewhere in the future.

Like today, David came home announcing that he was chosen together with a few classmates to participate in a spelling bee for 2nd graders. First time he's going to join the said contest. I'm just not sure how serious he is with the spelling bee but of course we will help him prepare for it. I think it will be in a week's time.

Not everyday will there be a spectacular event in our lives that merit posting in this blog unless I really ran out of topics to share that I'll be tempted to just post about anything. But I'd like to cover things about my interests that I feel will be worthy of reading by anyone, I hope. Perhaps sharing photography tips for the casual photographer such as techniques, workflow, and the like. How about interesting news especially about the Philippines and Filipinos? Interesting products? There are just so many topics that can be covered and when I feel that I can contribute articles consistently as in day to day that are specific to shall I say 'photography' then I'll just start another blog that will target photo enthusiasts but I'm not ready for that yet. For the meantime, these tips that I'd like to share will be seen in this blog and once a week (I'm thinking about Friday), I'll be posting photo-related articles that will help anyone improve their picture-making ability and anything pertaining to the art of photography.

Not to offend anyone but we are quite aware of what a 'bad' photo is. Bad exposure, out of focus, empty space that doesn't mean anything, distracting elements in composition, etc. If you think you'd like to learn more on how to improve on this subject, keep visiting this blog. I will try my best to keep it simple and not too technical.

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