Sunday, September 10, 2006

Watching The World Go By

David was finishing on his weekend homework yesterday when I decided to make a fun shot. The globe has nothing to do with his homework but using props to set-up the shot IMHO is just the way to go. I sometimes do this with my studio shoots. It can make a picture interesting and in this case spinning the globe added some pizzazz to the image. I also made some candid photos of him doing his homework without the globe and that added variety to the images. For this shot I asked David to really keep still as I was shooting using ambient light only (I used a tripod so I can really lower the shutter speed). I also converted the image to sepia and added a custom edge to make it work.

Come to think of it, I think I can introduce David to some geography lessons starting with the globe. Whenever I mention a certain country to him, most of the time he's not aware that it's even a country. He's also fond of Google Earth but more so on the 'coolness' of what it can do. I think the globe will do a better job of giving him a big picture of places that are found on our planet.

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