Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Incredible Family Portraiture

Today, the October issue of Vanity Fair hit the newsstands and on its cover is a photo made by Annie Leibovitz, a well-regarded portrait photographer. When I saw it last week online, I was kind of dumbfounded with the awesome family portraiture. It was just pleasantly simple but super incredible. This photo which shows baby Suri peeking out of a jacket worn by Tom Cruise with Kathie Holmes looking on is one of the finest portraits I've ever seen.

With this kind of photography, any man, woman and child will surely look great! In my mind, they don't have to be super beautiful people although that helps. The way the image was composed, the concept, the art direction, the soft lighting are just so perfect. Yes, it was surely posed but the image coveys otherwise, that's why it is successful as a portrait. Not only that but it connotes universality, a quality that makes photographs legendary. Annie Leibovitz is already a legend in her own right. This image will surely become an icon.

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