Monday, September 11, 2006

Inquirer Article about Ferdinand Marcos

I just read this one today about the Marcos family finally transferring his body to a new resting place soon. I never realized ex-Pres. Marcos is still in his refrigerated crypt up to now. I've been to his house in Batac and have seen his body way back in 1995 (?) on our way to Pagudpud. I was tempted to take a picture but there was a police officer keeping watch inside so I just didn't. Besides there was a sign prohibiting that.

It makes me wonder if indeed it's still him inside especially that's it's been 13 long years since his body was transferred there from Hawaii or if it's just a 'dummy' made to his likeness. I can't tell, the make-up was so heavy. He died in September 1989, so that's almost 17 years already. Has he been 'mummified' to a certain extent?

Here's the article:

***click here***

Note: You can click on the photo here to make it larger.

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