Monday, September 18, 2006

Recover Lost Files from your Memory Card

The digital revolution has taken off in leaps and bounds and every year more and more people are switching to digital cameras from film if not being introduced to photography totally bypassing film. In the digital world, we know how important the memory card is but we sometimes take it for granted, not even realizing that it can fail. It's not a question of if but when. That happened to me more than a year ago but fortunately it was not after a shoot but during a shoot so I just replaced it with another card. I was able to have the memory card fixed because it has a lifetime warranty. But I've heard of horror stories where photographers would suddenly lose their files upon transmittal or have accidentally deleted and sometimes formatted their cards while the files haven't been transferred yet. Some have lost their images completely. If this happens to you, stop using the card and use an image recovery software. Chances are you'll be able to recover most if not all your files whether they're audio, video or photos. I have in my pc a number of softwares and thank God I haven't had the chance to use it but at least it is there. I also came across another software and it is free. You might want to save it in your hard drive. The software's name is 'Smart Recovery'.

Here's the link:

Click HERE

One more very important thing, back-up your files to an external hard drive and to a number of high quality CDs/DVDs, preferably archival grade. Once you've done this, store some back-ups out of site preferably with a trusted family member or friend. There are some online storage sites but you need to pay a monthly fee. Did you hear about the Kennedy family photographer who stored his negatives numbering in the thousands of frames in a bank vault of the World Trade Center? He lost all of his negatives. If only they were digitized but that's another story.

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