I inadvertently found this video and as a photographer, I was really able to relate with it. I'm not saying this will appeal to all people but IT CAN. I also learned that this was already "around' since 2001 and is being used in training, management and leadership seminars. I believe that most photographers have their own unique way of looking at this world and it doesn't really come from a technical vantage point because of our understanding of light and shadows, our tools of the trade, timing and so on and so forth but from within, that emotional connection that makes us excited to hold a camera and shoot anything that moves our spirit. Personally, I feel the connection when looking through a camera's viewfinder and realizing that as I press the shutter, I'm thinking, "it is working". I don't mean the shutter but the process of being successful in capturing the images. Believe me, it sometimes starts with "it's not working" and I have to dig dip inside for that creative juice to flow. We also have to be in the 'ZONE' just like athletes who perform at their very best.
After watching the video, it strengthened the thinking process but also gave me new insights, new paradigms on how to capture an image that at first you're not seeing but also on the 'possibilities' an image can have.
Here's a brief description of the video as found from the LINK.
In this 22-minute short film, "Celebrate What's Right With The World", Dewitt Jones (world-class photojournalist for the National Geographic) asks: "Do we choose to see possibilities? Do we really believe they're there?" He assures us that there is always more than one right answer. Celebrating what's right with the world helps us recognize the possibilities and find solutions for the challenges before us. This inspirational, best-selling film utilizes stunning photography and powerful dialogue to help viewers approach their lives with celebration, confidence, and grace. “As I celebrated what was right with the world, I began to build a vision of possibility, not scarcity. Possibility... always another right answer.” - Dewitt Jones
Celebrate What's Right With The World