Thursday, March 27, 2008

Online Photo Editing Plus Gallery by Adobe

Adobe just released today the Adobe Express, a website where you can do your own photo editing by of course uploading your photos to the site and it's free. Adobe's photo editing software have been the industry standard for a long time now. They have Photoshop Elements which is geared towards photography enthusiasts and Photoshop CS3 which is their top of the line latest version of Photoshop CS intended for graphic artists, photographers and the like. Of course, there are still the free ones that "duplicates" Photoshop in a way such as IrfanView and GIMP and now this online editing website for free when you join. It's been announced since last year that they've been working on this and now it's a reality plus they added a gallery and a slideshow. What more can you ask for?

Although it's still in beta stage, I'm sure it will continuously be improved. I just don't see it being made as powerful as the CS version but for people who want to improve the quality of their photos without investing too much dough for the professional software, this will work fine. You can now easily adjust exposure, color balance, remove red-eye, crop, sharpen, etc. with the tools Photoshop Express lets you use for your photos. Just don't expect really blurry pictures to come out sharp, okay?

For the link, just click HERE.

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