Monday, March 24, 2008

David's New Look

About two weeks ago, we went to an eye doctor to have David's eyes checked and sure enough his vision is far from perfect even at his age. Too much video games I guess. He only scored 20/100 in the test so off we went to Costco optical to order his new glasses. We just got it last Friday and now David is sporting a new look. He was also amazed on how his things are much clearer now. He just didn't have anything to compare it with until now. Right now, I think he's adjusting quite well to it and never have I reminded him to wear it, only to take good care of it. I hope it lasts for a long time.

1 comment:

Neil Magno said...

Hi David, we like your new look especially your hair. You are becoming more and more like your Dad. Jedd says hi.