Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Saturday Night Dinner with Friends

We spent Saturday night having dinner with some close friends at home. Paulo and Pauline Jimenez, our Chilean friends together with their 9 month old baby Gabriel, came all the way from Kendall in Miami. Jun and Lot Dominguez also came. Gabriel is just so cute and the two kids were really looking forward to having him at home. We don't have the kids' old playpen anymore so we just laid out a sleeping bag, put a lot of soft toys and let Gabriel fascinate himself and us.

It was just a simple dinner for us. Some red cabbage and red pepper slaw, Bacalao a la Vizcaina and broiled chicken marinated adobo-style plus some wine and sweets for dessert. There's nothing like just relaxing with friends and as always we enjoyed the time together.

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