Tuesday, December 11, 2007

We Got It!

We are now officially landowners in "The Preserve' in Rising Fawn, Georgia. We went to Miami this morning today for the closing on one property, a 2.7 acre lot (Phase 10,#7)that is located in one of the more beautiful places we've been so far. I wrote about it here and here.

So far, we don't have any decision if we're going to move there, build a vacation rental or just use the property as a purely investment vehicle. We're giving ourselves 2 to 3 years to figure that out. With the seller financing we got, the deal was really very good and we're in the process of getting at least one more.

Many of our friends are in the process of getting their own lots and will be closing soon on theirs. Who knows? We might be future neighbors in "The Preserve' as well.

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