Thursday, December 20, 2007

This Year's Family Portrait

Last Sunday, we had our family portrait session for the year. Sometimes it's easier to schedule other people than 'shooting' your own family. I don't know, I guess we were just more busy than usual especially that Christmas time is here. Ophine just had her finals for her Master's and the two kids, well you know, kids. I was actually planning to do it late November but I was also kind of pushing it a little more since I'm still on a diet and wanted to lose a few more pounds besides I know I can have a 24 hour turnaround including the greeting cards we just had made in Costco.

It's hard for a photographer to do a kind of self-portrait (I was included, so it counts) since I can't see my composition with me in it I had to rely on a TV screen in front of us as we were doing the takes. It was actually not real time as I can only correct/coach the kids, adjust the posing and the level/height of each one after the image was captured. So after making a number of test shots and doing a lot more to capture the best one overall, we came up with this one. I just made several versions on the tone to have a variety.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi ayi,

had dinner with alvin and family here in pinas. alvin mentioned about your blog. nice photos! nakakatuwa naman ang little ayi and little ophine nyo. regards to all.- resa (