Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day Dinner at the Trepaniers

After last night's Christmas eve dinner at the Freitags, we all went again to the Trepaniers for Christmas day dinner. So much so for trying to diet but a short break won't hurt. I already met my target # of pounds to lose for the month anyway. We brought 'bringhe' or what we call Paella Pampanguena. This is the first time I cooked this dish but I've seen my Mom cook it several times in the past especially when she's with us visiting. After a number of phone calls for some pointers, I plunged in. Although I know for certain what kind of adjustment I need to do next time, it still turned out pretty good.

I was only able to take a few photos and mostly of the kids while waiting for other guests to arrive. My camera battery went dead and then realized I forgot to bring my reserve batteries. I regularly rotate between 3 camera bags depending on the kind of shooting and the equipment I'd like to bring with me but I had left the batteries in the bag I used the day before. Lesson learned. I'll probably post more from Ophine's tiny point and shoot at a later time.

Anyway, it's always a pleasure to spend special occasions with family and friends and we sure enjoyed the evening.

Put your arm around Missy now...not that way!

Missy striking a pose.

Ophine with Gail, Edna's youngest daughter.

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