Thursday, December 20, 2007

Somerset Holiday Show

We all went to Somerset for the Holiday Show last night. Missy's class together with another class performed 3 numbers and sang 'A Bethlehem Song', 'Feliz Navidad' and 'Celebrations Around the World'. The 3rd graders don't have holiday shows anymore so David didn't have any performance. They all did well and Missy was so excited before the show. They had been practicing for quite some time now and Missy was singing the tunes all the time including doing the actions. Too bad, we forgot to bring her Santa hat which is actually part of the costume. Too late to go back home. Her buddy Sylvette didn't bring one either and they were the only kids who didn't bring theirs. I think they talked about doing this. Ha Ha!

Before the show, inside the classroom

Missy with Kaithleen, a half-Filipina.

With the funny Sylvette

The Show

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