Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Nikon D90 DSLR with 720p HD Movie Mode

I don't really want to do product announcements but I just can't help not doing it with this first and revolutionary new DSLR from Nikon. It was just announced today so it's not really available yet but stores like B&H and Calumet Photographic are accepting pre-orders. I'm sure Adorama will have it on their website pretty soon. These three stores anyway are to me the only credible photographic stores where you can buy online. I don't bother to order from any other stores as most of them are scammers anyway and not worth the hassle.

If I haven't received my new Nikon D300 which I just got 2 weeks ago, this new D90 camera is pretty tempting to buy. Anyway, it would be a nice back-up, as well as a very suitable travel camera. Even though it's a prosumer camera, most of it's advanced features were derived from the Nikon D300, D700 and even the D3. What is very exciting is not just this new option of being able to capture HD movies but the versatility of using different lenses to make the videos, from fast f2.8 wide angle lenses to telephoto lenses. Even a 50mm f1.8 or f1.4 or 85mm f1.8 would make some very interesting videos.

Click HERE for the news:

Click HERE for the sample videos made from the camera.
It's very likely that newer DSLRs will soon have this new option available. I'm sure Canon is quite interested but sorry to say this is going to be Nikon's gem for now and sales will skyrocket leaving Canon biting the dust, for now any way until they come up with a new innovation. Canon was first to introduce a full frame DSLR and the war continues to go on.

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