Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Missy and Her New Appliance

I know, I know it's not pretty but for posterity, I just had to do it...take a photo of Missy's "brace". It's actually called a rapid palate expander. Missy needed some correction to her overbite and since a month ago we've been going to her dentist to have it fitted, some of her teeth 'banded' to give way to this device. Today, it was put into place and she needs to wear it for a month. There will be daily adjustments done by us to the device with the use of a special wrench until it gets replaced with just a retainer which we still don't know how long she will be wearing. She was fine with it but obviously, she's still adjusting to it. Hopefully in a few more days, she won't even think about it.

She has a lot of "events" happening in her mouth right now, she just lost two baby teeth in the lower jaw recently and her two big front teeth are moving in the same direction. I don't think it will even last two weeks and soon she'll be missing them. I told her I can even pull it out right now but she's not ready yet. Frankly she's not too keen about it but such are the travails of kids her age. At least she knows she's getting something from the tooth fairy ;)

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