Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just One More for Summer...

We got invited to Lionel's 3rd birthday by Ophine's co-worker Nilda Enano and hubby Leo and the party took place in a park in Pompano Beach on Aug.16. This is summer's 'last hurrah or 'hirit' so to speak and Aug. 18 was supposedly the kids first day of school but then thanks to Tropical Storm Fay the kids enjoyed two more days of extra summer vacation. Anyway, it was a swimming party and my kids have always enjoyed the pool so off we went that day. It was a super hot day but David and Missy probably didn't feel it too much as they were too busy cooling off in the pool. Ophine and I didn't swim. I was too busy guarding the lechon, lol.

Missy's favorite, puto!

David and his favorite hat, a la Indiana Jones!

Birthday boy Lionel.

Used to be my best friend.


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