Somerset Storybook Parade
As always, when we pick books for them, the character and the costumes comes first in our decision which book to use. In Missy's case we were fortunate to have a Chinese dress that was given to her by Ophine's Tita Upeng a year ago I think. Missy already had one when she was smaller and when she received the new one, it was probably one size bigger. Now, it fits just fine. For her book report, we chose "Ruby's Wish," which is a story of a girl in Old China who wanted to go to University when she grows up instead of getting married and sent away in a time when it's the tradition that girls don't normally go to school of higher learning but instead just taught at home with nothing but "woman" stuff like cooking, embroidery, etc. to prepare them as housewives. Anyway, Missy liked the book as well as her teacher and classmates when she did an oral presentation about it (as mentioned by Missy).
With David, I can't seem to convince him to pick a more substantial book but since he likes Pokemon stuff so well and wanted to be Ash Ketchum, the hero in the series, we ultimately decided on the character mentioned. It's good that we were given enough time like 5 weeks to prepare for the book report. Ophine's Mom was still here and she made David's costume. When I was checking an Ash Ketchum costume on Ebay made by enterprising Moms, it was going for like $100 for a complete set. No way will we buy one but David really liked to be Ash Ketchum. I just bought some cold weather knitted gloves and made them "fingerless" and his Pokemon cap came from a red baseball cap that we already have and I just bought some white felt fabric that is adhesive backed and a small green felt to make it like the real thing.
Last year they wore Kimonos that my mother made for them and just chose the appropriate books. I made a post about last year's event HERE.
For photos, just scroll down.