Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We'll Miss Mommy Rose

Yesterday morning, we received the sad news that our dear friend Mommy Rose died. She had been sick for quite some time and was recently diagnosed with colon cancer that already has metastasized to her liver. We were still able to visit her more than a week ago at their home. God has a different plan for her but we are assured that she has joined our Creator.

Mommy Rose had been very close to us and to the so many Filipino friends that we know. She's half-white and half-Filipino (Ilonggo) and somewhat spent her childhood up to her teen years in the Philippines. We used to hear stories about that time she spent in the Philippines, how much she loved playing volleyball, how Daddy Jack courted her and so on. When they moved back to America, New York in fact, Daddy Jack would always pick her up from the subway station from work, since she was so poor in finding directions that even if she passes the same station every day, she needs Daddy Jack to help her back to their place.

In the movie Titanic, the characters of Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet has the same names as they have, Jack and Rose and we'll always remember that because of them.

She always had gifts for David and Missy and it is already a given that when she gets invited to a party, she always brings a covered dish with them. When we moved 6 years ago to our new home, the couple gifted us with a "Valencia Pride" Mango seedling that is probably about 12 feet tall now in our backyard and already bearing fruit for about 3 years now.

We'll miss her and we can only condole with Daddy Jack, her true best friend and loving husband.

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