Wednesday, October 03, 2007

David in Spelling Bee

David was picked together with 4 others from his class to represent their section in the Somerset Academy 3rd grade Spelling Bee today. He was also a contestant last year and today he did better. With more or less 30 3rd graders in the competition, David lasted 4 rounds but when eliminated, there were only about 7 kids left. At least he lasted longer than the 2nd grade champion last year. He of course felt sad thinking he had a good chance of winning but it was not meant to be. He knew that if he lasted one more round, he could have easily landed in the Top 3, especially that he knew how to spell the last word that was spelled by the winner.

Anyway, I am proud of him and he really did very well. I just told him that next year he would just have to prepare better.

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