Thursday, November 01, 2007

CRCC Family Fun Night

The days isn't finished yet and Oct. 31 is always a long day for us. Even when we don't celebrate Halloween and the kids don't go trick or treating, we always go to our church CRCC since they hold this alternative annual event called "Family Fun Night" for the whole community and literally thousands go. Who wouldn't? With overflowing free candies, free food and a lot of fun stuff for kids and even grown-ups, it beats trick or treating house to house. David and Missy said, this was the best "Family Fun Night" ever and this was confirmed by so many people. The afternoon started quite foreboding and while driving to the event, we were met with a big downpour but the skies cleared eventually. What is surprising is that the church field didn't even become muddy.

Ophine was a volunteer in one "attraction" for younger kids for about an hour so I started with the kids in tow. I brought my backpack for the candies and our rain jackets and grew a little weary with the weight esp. of the candies but the kids were happy so continue, we did. The free food consisted of cheeseburgers, hotdogs, pizzas, drinks, chips that were consumed in the thousands. Anyway, with so many fun things to do and to experience especially for the young ones, we went home tired but happy.

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