Saturday, September 08, 2007

Missy as Hannah Montana

Our Missy is a huge fan of Miley Cyrus, otherwise known as Hannah Montana on TV. She had been asking for a Hannah Montana wig from Club Libby Lu for quite sometime now so when I saw one in their store in Dolphin Mall in Miami, I bought one immediately. Today I was able to photograph her so here's the result. Next time when I have the chance, I'll try to do something with her eyebrows.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ayi!

How are you? Hope you still remember me from our Greenheights days.

I came across your blog by accident. I'm glad to see that you and your family are doing very well! Last summer, your Mom, Gary, Mitch, and her two kids dropped by my parents' house, and we had a great time just chatting away! It was such a pleasant surprise seeing them again after all these years!

Great to know you have a very happy family life!

Aissa Tomacruz-Academia

Ayi said...

Hi Aissa!
Of course I remember you. We went to your wedding some 10+ years ago I think. Drop me an email at and let's "talk" some more. Do you blog?

So glad to hear from you.