Sunday, September 02, 2007

Paulo and Pauline Plus One are Back

Yesterday afternoon, we all went to Kendall in Miami to visit our old friends Paulo and Pauline Jimenez and their 3 month old baby Gabriel who have just arrived from Connecticut. They've been there for 4 years and now they're back in South Florida. Pauline is a close friend of Ophine since the mid-90s when they were still nurses in Westchester Gen. Hospital. Pauline is also David's godmother. Common friends Jun and Lotlot Dominguez also came with us to see them. Pauline and Paulo's moms Gloria and Tamara who had just arrived from Chile were also there.

It was just so great seeing each other again and seeing them with their cute baby multiplies the gladness. With the parents and the two doting grandmas nearby, baby Gabriel would surely never lack attention. Anyway, we all had a swell time reconnecting with one another even though Ophine and Pauline talk to each other regularly. We're looking forward to more time with our friends and baby Gabriel in the future.

Pauline and baby Gabriel.

Paulo 'd artist' with his painting of Pauline in the background.

Gabriel in a pensive mood.

Ophine feeling like a new mommy again.

David with his Ninang.

The girls having their girls' talk.

Mom Tamara showing the family photos to Ophine.

Missy showing her photo of me after taking it with Ophine's cellphone.

This is how Pauline's hair was in the painting...

Playing with a video game and just relaxing.

Group photo before we left. Oh, Paulo had to leave early.

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