Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Backyard Rainbow

Right after dinner, David saw a rainbow from the rear glass door and motioned everyone to take a look. Without missing a beat, I grabbed my camera before proceeding outside. I don't recall seeing a rainbow this late in the day, actually it was already evening at around 7pm.

David asked if there really is gold at the end of the rainbow. I told him that that's only a myth but there's only a mango tree at the end, our mango tree that is perhaps around 6 years old in this photo.

I haven't really made a photo of a rainbow that is worthy of a picture frame. I had this one before when we were in Costco and from a p&s camera. These are just snapshots but if I find myself in a great location at the right time with a camera and a tripod, I surely will try to capture one in the best way possible.

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