Saturday, December 06, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

This time, we opted for a simpler Thanksgiving dinner at home. Of course, there was the usual roast turkey, cornbread. the fixins and pies. It had to be traditional or why bother at all, right? It had to be turkey, there are just so many things you can do with the leftover as well, lol. 
My brother-in-law Alan arrived from the Cayman Islands together with his friend Larry on Thanksgiving day to do some bargain shopping since the best time to do real shopping is really on Thanksgiving weekend. That is if you're okay with waking up early or not even sleeping at all to take advantage of the deals. Sawgrass Mall was open from Friday midnight instead of the usual  5 AM store openings for the big stores on Black Friday. They said that when they got to Sawgrass at 2 AM, they can barely find a parking spot. So much for the 'recession' unless the mall was saturated with non-stateside tourists like them. Anyway, I was able to snatch some bargains too. I went to Sears and Home Depot to get some more power and hand tools. Aside from trekking to the brick and mortar stores early Friday morning, I did some online shopping too. Thank  God for the online deals as well and together with Microsoft Live cashback scheme, I was able to add as much as 30% additional discount for Ebay purchases. Checking back recently, it's now at 8% cashback. I'm glad I took advantage of the deals.

Saturday evening, Ophine's cousin Cris Kabiling together with hubby Mike and kids Mark and Angela visited us from Jacksonville. It was a full house all right and the kids enjoyed playing Wii with their 2nd cousins. They stayed overnight. Alan and Larry left early Sunday morning before most of the people were awake for their trip back to the Cayman Islands.

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