Thursday, October 23, 2008

Phil-Am Basketball Assn. of South Florida Game Photos

I brought my camera last Sunday to shoot some action photos of the games. Fortunately there was enough light to shoot without a flash or else I won't be shooting at all. Nick Bustos was not available to shoot so I said I'll shoot some of the games. We had a scheduled game against the 'Baby Boomers' so I can only shoot the 'other' games. I thought I won't be able to shoot our own game but I just can' t resist the urge to shoot our game too so in between playing and resting on the bench, I used the time outside the court to shoot. It was really fun to watch and shoot at the same time. The juniors were so fast and really flying high. It's good that I was not playing with the younger players. It would be torture to even try to keep up with them. 

Our division , the seniors are still a very competitive lot. Many players are still so talented and you can easily determine that some of these guys were the MVPs during their prime. Now, since we're older, most of them are MBPs (B for balyador) since some are just relying on making "gulang" to gain an advantage. At least, we're wiser now and there's no more intense emotion when one is trying to put one over you so to speak. Everything is just taken in stride, a smile and 'it's just a game' attitude.

Btw, we won our game by at least 20 points I believe.

Here are a 'few' photos.


Anonymous said...

Wonderfully taken and thanks for your inputs. I'll have it posted at our site today for participants to appreciate it too!

Ayi said...

Thanks Cesar!!! I'll keep shooting.