Sunday, January 13, 2008

Next...Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge In Titusville

About 4 years ago, on our way back from Jacksonville/St. Augustine area, we went here but I didn't know there was a launch in the next 2 days and we were not let in. This still is part of the property of the KSC. This time, I really wanted to see the place which is a very popular place for birdwatchers and wildlife photographers. It was probably about 45 minutes from Cape Canaveral so it was not bad.

I know it was going to be a very cold and windy day and even though it was sunny, the weather was like in the 30s especially with wind chill. We came prepared as I always keep track of the forecasts. I do enjoy travelling when it's cold compared to being hot and sweaty during summer in Florida. That's why we time our vacation during the winter months if it's going to be 'just here'. Besides, the best time to see wildlife especially migratory birds is during winter.

For first timers, the visitor center is a must and there is a trail/boardwalk just behind the center. That was a good start. The most visited place is the Black Point Wildlife Drive which is a 7 mile, one way, self-guided auto tour through salt and freshwater marshes. It offers 12 stops but you can stop anytime wherever you want really. You can just see almost every available wading bird, shorebird, raptors, waterfowl, alligators, otters and other species of wildlife (local and visiting) along the trail.

There are also other points of interest inside the refuge but we just didn't have enough time to check them out. I just didn't take really close-up wildlife photos as I don't have a really long lens for this kind of activity.

For photos, I just made a gallery of selected photos and you can view them by clicking on the photo. This includes photos made in KSC, the Astronaut HOF and Merritt Island NWR.

or HERE.

Post about Orlando coming next...

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