Friday, March 09, 2007

The Best Book on Filipino Food There Is

I came across this wonderful book and ordered one.
Memories of Philippine Kitchens

This is by far the best book on Philippine Food and Cooking I've ever read and it's hardcover. Check the reviews and order it, you won't be disappointed. If you like and eat Filipino food or would just like to learn about the cuisine even if you don't cook, make sure you get one. When you have visitors who are interested with what you serve them (assuming...), show them the book and the more your cooking and original Philippine cuisine will be appreciated.
It's coffee-table book quality, the writing is superb and the photos are gorgeous. The photos here were made by Neal Oshima, one of the Philippines' better known commercial photographers. Just learning about the food's cultural highlights is enough good reading. You'd think Saveur made this one and yes they do write about Filipino Food from time to time. Just note that if you lend it to someone, there's a possibility you won't get it back.

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