Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First Post

Hello!!! As you can see I'm a little excited. For the longest time ever, I've been thinking of doing a personal blog but didn't really got around to doing it until today. But why a blog, seems like just a glorified way of doing a journal that I can share with whoever has the time and inclination to know what's happening...For those who know me, they know that my passion is about photography and whenever I get the chance I always bring my dslr to make pictures. Most of the time, I have a set of models I can count on, meaning 'my family'. Of course, I also welcome people who pay me to "shoot" them.

Thus, I guess I can say I've started this blog to promote this aspect of my passion as a business proposal. Also quite recently, as in two days ago, I signed up to be a 'Referal Travel Agent' for World Ventures. This area is still new to me and as I continue to study and learn this other business venture, I will keep you updated.

So what can you expect from my blog. I don't want to bore you with nonsense stuff so please be assured that whatever I post here, you'll be gaining something. Apart from knowing and seeing what's new with me and my love ones, I would like to share with you things that most people I hope wouldn't mind reading about. Lastly, since I'm a greenhorn in blogging, I sincerely welcome your comments and suggestions.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog! The pictures are great. Beautiful family!
and remember...if you want these lovely pictures converted into oil paintings, please visit us at our website: 25% discount when you mention this blog.:-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ariel,

Awesome travel/family portrait photography!!! Sharp, great color saturations, long and shallow depth of field just perfect. Perfect usage of photography techniques. I'm very impressed!

More power to you,

Nick Bustos

Ayi said...

Thanks Kuya Nick, coming from one photographer to another.