Monday, May 26, 2008

Missy's 7th Birthday

Missy turned 7 on May 24, the same day as her party. For days before the party, she was really so excited. She invited some classmates aside from the usual group of friends we usually get together with. She is really into 'Hannah Montana' thus we did our best that the motif be about her idol. We were fortunate to get a cake that goes with the motif at Walmart and it was really good. First time we got one from 'WM'. It's almost always ice cream cake from Carvel.

As usual we got some pizzas and made some spaghetti with meatballs for the kids. They don't really eat anything else aside from these. I also made some pork and chicken adobo and also pancit molo so we can have some Filipino food for the guests who really haven't tried them. We also served fried catfish nuggets, roast chicken, broccoli madness (Sweet Tomatoes recipe) and some deserts. Pauline Cruz sent her famous macaroons through her hubby Wilbur since she was working that day. It was quite a hot day so we just stayed mostly indoors but I believe we all had a wonderful time.

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