Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Visit to Okeechobee

Today, we went to Okeechobee. It is a small rustic town situated near the banks of Lake Okeechobee (thus the name obviously) and is two hours away from home to visit Tita Cherrie Urbino and Ate Marilu Gutierrez. They are leaving for the Philippines next week. Too bad Kuya Vic can't make it since he was in Ocala working as a medical doctor there. Anyway, we haven't seen Tita Cherrie the longest since she's been staying in the Philippines for some time now. We have known them for more than 10 years now and have been to their home in Ocala quite a number of times.

We had a sumptous lunch and the kids enjoyed playing with their 'keyboards' and had a swell time with their indoor putting green. We didn't venture anywhere since it was so hot and humid. Florida summer is just not a comfortable season to engage in any outdoor activity.

As usual, made a few photos to remember the event!

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