Monday, May 21, 2007

Headshots of last

Finally, I was able to convince David it's time for me to make pictures of him (with a little bribery) and yesterday was D-Day. I just waited for the right time when the afternoon light was soft and diffused. But first, one very important thing that needs to be done is to have some gel on his hair so we can make the look more pleasant. The gel...he hates that a lot, that's why his hairdo is always so 'oriental' looking but he doesn't really care. Typical boys his age. Second, I kind of have to teach him how to smile without making his two front teeth too prominent and it was kind of hard at first since David would just burst out laughing once I point my camera at him. When Missy saw him, she said it was too 'Bugs Bunny'.

I shot in open shade, no flash and just a small white reflector to fill-in the shadows. Actually my favorite way to shoot portraits outdoors. Nothing fancy about the surroundings as I intended to make only headshots and shoot using a very shallow depth of field (thanks to a fast lens) so we just went to the backyard and BAM!
Here are some from the shoot.

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