Friday, October 27, 2006

How to make debtors pay-Filipino Style

This is a photo from yesterday's Philippine Daily Inquirer online. Apparently, this man, a sari-sari store owner got fed-up with his customers' unpaid debts to him that he posted all these signs in front of his sari-sari store. Now, it's human nature that you don't want your transgressions being broadcast like this so as of press time for this article, about half of what he was owed were paid. Now that's resourcefulness in action. By the looks of it, he would probably still keep the same customers and perhaps they will be more timely with their payments unless there's another store in their vicinity where they can have more lenient terms, but I'm just speculating. One thing though will never change in this type of microeconomics, 'pakilista lang po'.

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