Monday, March 23, 2009

David Gets his 'Student of the Month' Award

Just like last year, David got chosen again as 'Student of the Month' and the trait is for 'Honesty'. This was on March 18. The school year is 3 quarters out and we're happy that he got this award before the school year ends. The students are the ones who vote for the awardee and I coudn't agree more, David is such a sincere and truthful boy! The kids know and are quite aware that being thruthful regardless of whatever mistake or wrondoing they have done, they have to let us know. Of course, it was not easy at first and there were some struggles in the past but I believe they have learned their lessons and have learned them well. This is very important to us and we're fortunate that we have instilled this trait in them in a very positive way. Hopefully and prayerfully, they will not forget as they grow older and wiser, even when there are more temptations and influences that can affect them.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Meeting Pastor Rene

Every year, we almost always never fail to meet with our pastor from the Philippines and that's what we just did on Mar. 7.  Pastor Rene Atienza visits regularly this part of South Florida for the Evangelism Explosion International Conference at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale. This mega-church founded by the late Dr. D. James Kennedy is the HQ of E.E. Inter'l. Chito and Cindy Abadines who have become our friends too through Pastor Rene always play hosts in their home in Margate and that's what they just did on Mar. 7. We have always received an invite every time he's here since David was still a baby.  Although we missed a few through the years, we always try to be there especially when we don't have prior commitments and it has always been a pleasure meeting our dear pastor. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Memorial's Annual Picnic at the Park

Last March 1 at C.B. Smith Park for Memorial Healthcare's Annual Picnic. As usual, when David and Missy have days like this one, they always sound out 'best day ever' after the event. 'Can't blame them.